Friday, January 15, 2010

Aerial observations..

I think being in a foreign environment (one you didn't grow up in or around) has a way of making you more aware of said environment. Maybe I'm just observant by nature. I know that through the majority of my time here I have witnessed a complete contradiction to nature or the "natural order" that I know and love so well at what I consider my home.

One such contradiction, I have managed to observe for the past few mornings and I'm still trying to figure out exactly what is taking place. At home we have pretty standard seasons that the birds are able to go by for migration. Here, seasons are completely different but then again most everything else has been as well. For the past few mornings there have been low flying groups of birds. You're thinking, "What's so odd about that?" There's absolutely nothing odd about birds flying together but it's the way they are flying and the amount as well as their altitude. I can only assume that it's a form of migration seeing as we're sort of coming to the end of rainy/cold season.

As with typical migrations (in the great United States) birds can be seen flying in large groups at decent altitudes from general north to general south with no real organization to them or their numbers. If they are trying to keep their specific group together then you usually can hear similar chirping from all in that group. The only way for me to describe what I see here is to try to create a visual image of human anatomy. The birds fly is what looks to be a pulsating artery of about 10 ft in height and usually about a quarter of a mile long. There is no noise whatsoever and they fly maybe 40-50 feet off of the ground. It's really neat to sit and watch, to ponder on who is giving the directional commands and how are they relaying such commands without any noise.

Yet another truly amazing sight in God's creation.